Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Poetry, Painting and Praise

Poetry Painting and Praise

Paint and Poetry onto paper do pour
Ideas and illusions I cannot ignore
Mood and medium master my mind
Keeping it creative and one of a kind

My love, my desire is to see color flow
On paper my rainbows all seem to glow
These creations are but reflections of light
Our Creator above makes all things right

I pray my passion my purpose my peace
Is to serve my Savior and never cease
Praise and gratitude in my heart does evoke
To honor God's name with every stroke

by: D J. Bates

Friday, August 14, 2009

Art in Bloom, art exhibit.

Hi all, 
I have to tell you that my "Art In Bloom" art exhibit at the Lauritzen Gardens had to be a success. For anyone to have braved the heat and the wind and the lightning and the thunder and the downpours they have to be a hardy breed of enthusiasts. Saturday was blazing hot, the hottest day of the summer, Sunday was a monsoon, but I had a fun time. Actually sold two paintings and a couple of prints and cards.
The most fun was having Sheryl there with me, and my kids and grandkids coming to enjoy the gardens too. They asked us to "demonstrate" our craft, so I was painting a pink hibiscus and someone came up and said she had to have it...so I sold it. I had to finish it first so she walked around and came back, and the painting was ready to take home.
Jim helped me wrap my most recent painting in plastic on Sunday morning, and that one sold just after I set it up too.
All in all with the "trading" for trinkets, artist connections and a possible gallery interested in my artwork, I would say it was a successful first show in Omaha.